
Getting Started

Hi guys,
This is my first post for this blog :) So before we get started on decorating cupcakes we should probably make them first... don't you agree. In this blog all the cupcakes you will see will be made with the same recipe. I use Bake One Cupcake Mix from Costco. When decorating the cupcakes you should always let them cool down before putting the icing on so it doesn't melt the icing. Another thing is when cooking the cupcakes they should have patty pans on them so they don't make as much of a mess and they also look better, but the patty pans are optional.   
                 TTFN, The Cupcake Cat xoxo


  1. Your post are so good, i think you should keep writting more and more!!! :D

    1. thanks BubblyBoo, i hope this blog will help with decorating your cupcakes. more posts will be coming soon.
      TTFN, The Cupcake Cat xoxo
