
First Batch

Hi Guys, so here is the first batch of cupcakes for this blog. We are starting off with a simple decoration. This means icing with jelly-beans on top. For these cupcakes i used white icing and did not add any colouring.

 Step 1 - Making the icing, the icing should be thick but not so thick that it is impossible to spread across the cupcake. To make the icing you should mix icing sugar and milk. Food
colouring in any colour is optional.

Step 2 - Spreading the icing, this can be a very messy job, remember it does NOT need to be perfect.

This is the finished look without the lolly ontop.

Step 3 - A lolly on top can make them look better, but it is optional. This is a great way to decorate them for a kids birthday party.

I hope this helps you when you are decorating your own cupcakes
                TTFN,    The Cupcake Cat     xoxo


You Will Need

Hey guys,
So today's post will about the tools that you will need for decorating the cupcakes. Since we are only starting out I will only talk about the most simple tools that you will need. First of all, you will need a piping bag and bits, these usually come as a set. Another tool is a butter knife, this will help spread the icing and make it flatter.  


Icing or Frosting?

When decorating cupcakes, it can be hard to know whether to use icing or frosting.Some people might say that there is no difference, but there is. Icing is made up of icing sugar and milk and looks messier when on the cupcake. Frosting on the other hand is icing sugar and melted or soft butter, this makes it fluffier and looks nicer when on the cupcake. If you are thinking about piping the decorations on to the cupcake you should use frosting as it is easier to handle. Both ways are good but I prefer to use frosting. well that's all for now. hope i have helped make your choice easier to make. :)
                   TTFN, The Cupcake Cat  xoxo


Getting Started

Hi guys,
This is my first post for this blog :) So before we get started on decorating cupcakes we should probably make them first... don't you agree. In this blog all the cupcakes you will see will be made with the same recipe. I use Bake One Cupcake Mix from Costco. When decorating the cupcakes you should always let them cool down before putting the icing on so it doesn't melt the icing. Another thing is when cooking the cupcakes they should have patty pans on them so they don't make as much of a mess and they also look better, but the patty pans are optional.   
                 TTFN, The Cupcake Cat xoxo